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Heath pass now required to use ski lifts as of Sat 4th December 2021


M Castext the French PM originally announced that masks only were required to use the ski lifts in all French ski resorts.  He did warn that if numbers changed, this would be reviewed.  This has resulted in as of Saturday 4th December 2021 this rule has now been updated to mean you MUST HAVE A HEALTH PASS TO USE THE SKI LIFTS AND GO SKIING.  

So you must be vaccinated in order to qualify for a health pass or show your NHS travel app to gain entry on ski lifts and cable cars.   This is not applicable to under 12 year olds. 

For children over 12, they must have them and any children with only 1 vaccine will need to test daily in resort in order to get the health pass.  If they have had 1 jab + Covid you can get a pass.  If they have not had a jab but have had Covid, they can also get a health pass. 

Information correct at time of publishing.