
Ski train tickets from Eurostar are now on sale so don't miss out if you would like to travel to Val d'Isere via this service. Demand is always high so log on to www.eurostar.com or call 03432 186 186 to book.
The ski train leaves St Pancras station in London or Ashofrd International in Kent and travels to Bourg St Maurice in the French Alps twice a week. You have a choice of a Friday night departure (7.45 pm) arriving in Bourg St Maurice Saturday approx 6am. Alternatively the Saturday morning service departs at 9.45 am arriving in Bourg St Maurice approx 7 pm.
From Bourg St Maurice station we can arrange a taxi up to Val d'Isere that on a good day takes about 30 mins and costs 85€ for 4 people.